After Your Brazilian Wax Appointment
Here is some great information on what to do directly after your waxing as well as how to maintain your Brazilian wax. This page is updated regularly so check back often for additional information
your Brazilian Waxing appointment |
Here are a few things you need to know after you leave your Brazilian Wax appointment. |
Basic Brazilian Wax Maintenance
There is not much you need to do to maintain your Brazilian wax. A few maintenance items and some precautions is all that is necessary to enjoy a smooth bikini area.
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There is not much you need to do to maintain your Brazilian wax. A few maintenance items and some precautions is all that is necessary to enjoy a smooth bikini area.
- Be sure to exfoliate! This will minimize any ingrown hairs and keep the area fresh and smooth
- DO NOT use any granular exfoliators! That will only irritate the area
- Use our ingrown hair roll-on 2 time per week!
- Cleanse only using liquid soaps. Bar soaps will clog your pores. - What soaps to use
- Cleanse only using liquid soaps.
- Bar soaps will clog your pores. - NO tanning beds for at least 24 hours
When you get waxed it exfoliates the area and removes all the dead ski. That dead skin provides a layer of protection from sunburn. You need to give your skin at least 24 hours (48 hours if possible) to regenerate its protection.
This one not NOT optional! - NO hot shower or bath for at least 6 - 12 hours
Directly after waxing your hair follicle is left open. This makes it susceptible hot water entering the open hair follicles during a shower or bath. This will irritate the area and create discomfort. Once your follicles close you can return to your normal bathing routine.
A warm shower is acceptable and should not irritate the area at all.
- DO NOT touch the waxed area for at least 3 hours
Directly after waxing your hair follicle is left open. This makes it susceptible to infection from touch. Fingernails are the biggest carrier of germs. If germs get into your open hair follicle it can cause irritation. Give the hair follicle at least 3 hours to close.
- DO NOT have intimate contact in the waxed area for at least 3 hours
This can be a judgment call by you but the rubbing and perspiration can cause irritation. This will be more of a issue after your first Brazilian wax. If you get waxed on a regular basses irritation will be less likely.
- NO heavy exercising for at least 12 - 24 hours
Rubbing and perspiration can cause irritation. If you exercise, perspiration will enter the open hair follicle and irritate the area. Give it a day or so before resuming your exercise routine.
More Information
- I feel little tiny hairs after my waxing. What is that? SEE THE CHART BELOW
All the hair above the skin was removed and very little if any of that hair was broken during your waxing. The hair is also checked when removed to see if the root was removed as well. The first 2 illustrations show the hair in the ANAGEN (growth) phase. That is hair right below the skin getting ready to come up. If you feel any hair above the skin, this is what you are feeling. This new hair growth will be very fine and not stubbly at all. This was not able to be removed because it was NOT above the skin yet. This will minimize and be eliminated after additional waxes.
- How long will my Brazilian wax last?
Your Brazilian wax should last between 2 to 3 weeks before you see any hair growth. You will probably see hair growth a little sooner after your 1st Brazilian due to the hair growth cycles. After you get waxed a few times you will notice the hair takes longer to re-grow. This is due to the fact that you have hair growing in many different growth cycles before you get waxed. These cycles change when you get waxed and allow for longer time periods between waxing's.
- How long will it take for the redness to go away?
The redness after a Brazilian wax should go away in a few hours but may last up to a few days depending on how sensitive your skin is. The more regular you are with your waxing the less redness you will get. This is all based on your skin type. Customers with sensitive skin will stay red longer then customers without sensitive skin. If the waxed area is irritated make sure you re-read and listen to the “DO NOT” section above.
- I have little white dots that look like whiteheads. What is that?
This is very rare, however if you do get white dots this is only your body's defense mechanism reacting to the hair follicle being removed. This is normal and should subside in a day or so.
This actually means your hair has been removed directly from the root (a good thing). Some people get these white dots but most don't. That should not happen on your 2nd waxing as your body adjusts to the hair being removed from the root.
- Should I shave in between appointments?
NO. When you shave you cause the hair to grow thicker and can cause ingrown hairs. Waxing changes the structure of the hair and causes the hair to grow back softer and finer. Regular waxing and proper maintenance ensures soft skin, fine hair and less ingrowns. - When should I come back for my next appointment?
To properly maintain your Brazilian wax, appointments are recommended between 4 to 5 weeks. If you use the EpilaDerm system your appointments can be even longer
If you are using the permanent reduction system (EpilaDerm) your appointments should be spaced 5 to 6 weeks apart. This is so we can properly time the growth cycles. - Can I call for a last minute appointment?
Yes, but you may not get the day and time that is most convenient for you. If you contact us 1 to 2 weeks ahead of time you will be more likely to get the time and day you want.
Your best bet is to schedule your appointment online. - Will my 2nd Brazilian be easier then my first?
Yes, Absolutely and most definitely!
You will notice considerably less hair the second time. It also grows back weaker and finer. This combination creates a much easier waxing experience. - Will my 2nd Brazilian last longer then my first one?
Yes, due to your hair growth cycles, your second and third Brazilian wax will last up to a week longer before any hair grows back. The more you get waxed the easier it gets and the longer it lasts. (up to a certain point of course) If you want the hair to stay away permanently, choose the EpilaDerm option.